Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sewing Books YAY!!

Hi again :D

I could not wait to show you the books my sister got me from Thailand <3

They are AMAZING!! =D They answered lots of questions I have.. gave me LOTS and LOTS of ideas :D << have I told u I just got them yesterday LOL..

this is the first one.. Sewing patterns..
and here are a glance at a couple of pages.. ^_^

a whole chapter about sleeves..

and this one about designing your own patterns <3

The other book is.. ^^"

The sewing book :D

it covers lots of techniques .. which is amazing ^_^


am so excited =D

cannot wait to master everything in these books =)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

My first Pillow dress

Hello =D

I just finished making a pillow dress ;D thanks to NanaKid's turorial. I started at 11:30 pm and just finished it exactly at 2:30 am.. it was simple... yet fun :D

this is the result.. ^_^

I have few mistakes.. the obvious one is the bottom hem.. -,-
the fabric was not enough :S
I had to add few more inches to get the 45 inches in the tutorial :D

Am super happy with the result :)

what do you think?! ^_^

My serger :D

... Hi... :D

I bought my serger.. was not lucky to find embroidery machine =(  I will keep looking though =D

and I bought July's issue of Burda magazine... ^_^

I am reading more about standard body sizes.. from this article..
There are hundreds of things that are going in my mind to start learning.. I would love to join sewing classes.. however I have transportation problem.. so I know I will miss few classes now and then..

I am trying to read as much as I can.. and to practice what I read as well :)

<3 till I see you again.. take care =D

Friday, August 6, 2010

more materials shopping..

Hi all.. :)

I am waiting my sister to get back from Thailand .. :D she got me some books from there... sewing books of course =)

I am going to purchase simplicity patterns.. I feel they will be helpful at this time of my learning experience.. just to practice sewing using patterns.. :)

anyway.. tomorrow.. am going to get sewing materials.. a serger machine.. rulers.. zipper foot.. and hemmer foot.. bias tool.. and other things..
I may buy embroidery machine..

I will see you tomorrow =)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Sewing materials..book and a sewing room

Hello again..

I am back.. ;)

I went to buy some fabrics the other day.. I enjoyed doing that :D it was fun.. besides.. now I can start any project without the trouble of bothering mom to borrow some fabrics  lol..

I would love to show you pics of the fabrics.. however the pics were not that good xD

emm.. well.. here are the pics anyway ;P

I forgot how many I bought.. they cost me 3500 .. my mom was like :@ don't worry you are going to come back here whenever you want to buy.. don't buy lot's of fabric now! lol.. but I was so into my sewing spirit xD
Here is the first project that I am proud of.. and would like to share with you..

Nothing fancy .. just a simple jalabeyah I will wear at home =D
I wanted to add some ribbons and stuff.. but then thought I will just keep it simple

thanks to... GoodLuck.. who posted a tutorial on how to do this
You can find it here.. ( link )

Yesterday... I started creating my own sewing space.. :D am so excited =)
I am working on a table cover .. enshallah I will have it done in the coming days :)

I started reading this book.. to add more to my sewing knowledge .. :)

That's all I have for now.. =)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

A start,,

Hello, and welcome to my Blog..

This is my first time using Blogger.. I've been viewing other blogs for a while now..

I am from UAE... :)

I created this blog to post my sewing works and creations.

I am not new to sewing.. I used to sew lots of things.. am new to clothes making though.. am a big fan of nana kid she is creative and amazing.. following Nana kid Boutique I got to know (I mean to reach her blog, I wish to meet her though).. Batty Young .. I wish to be as creative as them..

Nana Kid.. you are my inspiration (F)

Soon, I will upload some of my creation =)

I use Singer 2263 sewing machine .. I am still confused at where to start.. if I should learn how to make patterns.. if I should start with kids clothes.. should I learn how to draw patterns? or should I just .... (deep breath lol)

I know it takes time and effort.. but am welling to give both... :)

I will get back to you soon... ^_^