Monday, May 2, 2011

Sewing Room

So, I am still thinking about the sewing room am going to have once my family new house is done! =D
I imagine a hanger for finished dresses to my right to remind myself that I can acheive if I work hard xD

 I would post pictures of to-do dresses and pieces to a huge board on the wall to my left with notes of websites I dowloaded the patterns from or specific fabric to go with that pattern.. etc.
Just like this pic:

Where the sewing machine I will have shelves just like this one =D

Am just daydreaming xD lol

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Patterns Purchase

Last night, I got to Etsy checked few things. I could not help but register and purchase few patterns after searching: Children dresses
The pattersn are already in my inbox (it took them around 10 minutes to send the PDF files) which is amazing! =D

More patterns coming to my inbox !! wow I cannot waaaaaaaaaait till I print them out and try every single model of the dresses!! <3

I am in heaven already xD

+ I bought some fabric .. this afternoon for more projects to be done ^_^ am so excited to start

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Sewing Room!! =D

Hello =D

I am again trapped in endless work that need to be done.. for school.

However there is another thing that makes me SUPER excited =D

Soon we will move to a new house .. soon that is in a year xD

I will have a SEWING ROOM!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! =D

I started googling for sewing rooms pictures coz I just cannot wait =D

السلاااااااااااااااام علييييييييييييييكم و الرحمه

طبعن كالعاااااااااده شغل شغل شغل شغل لااااااااااا ينتهي

بس عندي شي حلوووووووو و مخلني شوي مستانسه رغم الشغل الوااااااايد

بننتقل بيت يديد بعد تقريبن سنه.. المهم فالتخطيط اخووي حط لي غرفه بتكون مشغل خياطه

صراحه ونااااااااااااااااااسه =)

I will post few pics of what I want the room to look like .... if any is interested to share ideas or pics... or links plz do

Friday, April 15, 2011

It's a busy weekend :(

Hello all,
This is going to be a super busy weekend. Lot's of things to be done for work. As always, whenever am soooooooo busy the urge to sew pops out of nowhere xD
So.. I am wondering around trying to find a battern to sew for my neice who is 2 years old.

Any suggestions?

السلاام عليكم و الرحمه

هالويك اند بتكون زحممممممممه.. وايد طالبين علينا اشياء فالدوام.. و مااااااااااااا شي وقت ابدن :(

بس طبعن و كالعااااااااااااده.. كل ما اكون في عز انشغاااااااااااالي.. تطلع لي افكار عشان اخييييييييييييييط

:) الحين يالسه ادوّر اي باترون كيووت لبنوتة اخوي.. عمرها سنتين

اي اقتراحات؟؟ =)

Friday, March 11, 2011

خلّصنا خياااطه Done sewing


النتيجه النهائيه.. ملبووسه


Am happy with the finished result

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My First Jumper (for a 2 year old)

Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiinaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally <3

Thanks to ikat tutorial.. HERE

Not done yet... I need to add a pocket.. (still thinking about it)

will leave you with the pics of the process xD

Monday, February 28, 2011

Am back! =D

I wonder why  I have a blog.. I don't update it anymore >_<

My passion to learn how to sew is back! lol

I almost gave up on it.. coz there was NO where I could get an answer.. but here I am.. again.. trying to make it WORK! =D

I was wondering..

if I used a measurement chart to sew clothes for kids.. will that just be fine like a readymade clothes we buy from stores =)

I don't have kids to sew clothes for.. I just do it for fun.. so I don't have a child that I can get their body measurement and practice sewing on them =P

I will have a help from a member from one of the forums.. =) (Am so thankful she answered my questions) and I am gonna see where that goes =D

wish me luck <3

صراحه ناااااااااااااااسيه هالبلوق من الخاطر هههههههه

اخيرن رجعت.. و رجعت لحبي للخياطه من عقب انقطااااااااااااااع
كان سببه اني عيزت و انا ادوّر حد يفهّمني كيف اعتمد على القياسات العالميه في خياطة ملابس الأطفال

ما عندي عيال اجرّب عليهم

حتى عيال اخوي.. مش موجودين فالبيت عشان العوزهم ^_*

أخيرن وحده من عضوات واحد من المنتديات ردّت علي سؤال كنت سائلتنهم ايّاه .. عن هالشي

سؤالي كان.. كيف استخدم جداول القياسات العالميّه.. عشان اخيّط ملابس جاهزه.. للأطفال

عاد يالله.. بسير اتعلّم .. و برجع لكم ان شاااااااااااااااء الله بكم قطعه اتخقق بهن عليكم ههههههههههههه

لي عووووده ;)