Saturday, April 23, 2011

Sewing Room!! =D

Hello =D

I am again trapped in endless work that need to be done.. for school.

However there is another thing that makes me SUPER excited =D

Soon we will move to a new house .. soon that is in a year xD

I will have a SEWING ROOM!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! =D

I started googling for sewing rooms pictures coz I just cannot wait =D

السلاااااااااااااااام علييييييييييييييكم و الرحمه

طبعن كالعاااااااااده شغل شغل شغل شغل لااااااااااا ينتهي

بس عندي شي حلوووووووو و مخلني شوي مستانسه رغم الشغل الوااااااايد

بننتقل بيت يديد بعد تقريبن سنه.. المهم فالتخطيط اخووي حط لي غرفه بتكون مشغل خياطه

صراحه ونااااااااااااااااااسه =)

I will post few pics of what I want the room to look like .... if any is interested to share ideas or pics... or links plz do

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